Silhouette Cosplay Feature by Caroline Belge Photography

While she was shooting hall shots for us at ConnectiCon a couple of weekends ago in Hartford, Conn., Caroline Belge Photography also did a couple of feature photo shoots of the amazing Silhouette Cosplay. In this gallery, Silhouette Cosplay portrays, from two different shoots, a crossplayed, very Hiddleston-esque Loki and a beautiful Natasha Romanov, both from the Marvel Cinematic Universe.
Silhouette Cosplay explains in a post on the website RPF how she made everything in the Loki costume, in great detail. She says in the introduction:
Technically, the Loki process started three years ago, and since then I’ve been updating and tweaking things; I remade the tunic about six months ago, and finally bullied myself into remaking the coat and armour over the past few months, as well, after realising how much my skills have improved since the first try.
The scepter is the only thing that Silhouette Cosplay didn’t make, commissioning it from Eldritch Arts, who is the other Loki in the gallery (and an outstanding costumer and cosplayer in her own right). Special effects for the scepter shots were added by Caroline Belge in the editing process. Oh, and as you can see in one of the photos, Silhouette Cosplay is also a photographer.
Digital download sales
We are also now selling high resolution images of some of the photos taken of cosplayers that have agreed to let us do so. To see the 50 or so images we have available to download for a mere $5 each, go to our Anime Boston 2016 sales gallery and our brand new Spring Super Megafest 2016 sales gallery. We are in a rolling launch period, so expect some glitches — for example, right now when you check out, the jump to Paypal doesn’t happen automatically, you have to click the Click Here button. In addition, if you are pictured in any of our galleries and did not sign a release but want the high resolution download for yourself, we can make it available via a private, password-protected link, also for $5 per image. Just message editor AT
Photo gallery tips: Once the images load, you will see the Forward and Back navigation arrows above the image, in case you want to scroll faster than the preset. And to see the entire gallery as thumbnails, click on the gray four-box square next to the navigation arrows.