Steampunk Robots at the Steampunk World’s Fair 2013

At the Steampunk World’ Fair 2013, we met a good number of Steam Powered Giraffe fans who expressed their love for their music (Steam Powered Giraffe is a performance and music group who portray themselves as robots.) by becoming robots themselves! We have for you a video interview with some of the attendees about their costuming and below that we have some wonderful pictures by photographer John T. Riley of Red Zebra Photography! Check it out!
The more I see things from Steampunk World's Fair go up, the more I've realized that people got a little confused about some things. The band is actually called Steam Powered Giraffe, not Steampunk Giraffe, but I understand the confusion. A lot of people who didn't know the band where calling it that, and I understand why people thought that was their name, but I figured you would like to know