Summer in Winter: Haikyuu Beach Cosplay!

What do you do if you are barely over five feet tall, a natural redhead, and have an abiding love for the volleyball anime Haikyuu? You make a swimsuit genderbent version of main character Hinata of course. That is, if you are cosplayer Jiro-sensei.
I returned to the beautiful beach along the Nahant causeway for this golden hour shoot — the same spot I did the Harley Quinn and Black Widow beach shoots. Now that the bulk of the US is in the grip of an early Winter, I can say with confidence I wish I was back there right now.
Once you have checked out this gallery jump over to the genderbent Yang shoot, take a trip back to 2015 and head over to the Swimsuit Ariel shoot, the League of Legends shoot, and the Ryuko, Riven, Lux, Sivir, Syndra, Jinx, Pharoah Nidalee and Lee Sin, Jubilee, Agent Carter, Lilith, Lady Amalthea, X-Men group, Harley Quinn and Black Widow shoots!
Photo gallery tips: Once the page loads the images, you will see the Forward and Back navigation arrows above the image, in case you want to scroll faster than the preset. And to see the entire gallery as thumbnails, click on the gray four-box square next to the navigation arrows.
High-res images for sale!
If you are pictured in any of our galleries and want the high resolution download for yourself, we can make it available via a private, password-protected link, for $8 per image. Just send an email to editor AT
We are also now selling high resolution images of some of the photos taken of cosplayers that have agreed to let us do so. To see the 50 or so images we have available to download for a mere $8 each, go to our Anime Boston 2016 sales gallery and our brand new Spring Super Megafest 2016 sales gallery.