Super Megafest 2018 Gallery by FirstPerson Shooter, Sat. Part 3

While there are some activities the Friday night of a Super Megafest weekend, everything really happens on Saturday and Sunday. One regular albeit unofficial feature of when SMF used to be at the Sheraton Framingham is the group cosplay shoot. Pat The Covinator Covey tries to roundup as many cosplayers as he can mid-afternoon on Saturday for a shoot outside. That event happened once at the Marlborough location, but it just wasn’t the same, nor as easy to coordinate. Once the convention returned to the Sheraton Framingham, cosplayers again swarmed to get into the group shot. That photo is at the end of this gallery.
Among the cosplayers in the gallery are Sith Lantern Cosplay, R.W. Martin, Briezerker, Hybrid Brieze, Kurious Costumes, J+C Cosplay, Morenafantasie, Chelsea Von Chastity Cosplay, pernicious.pen, jaynalea12, MicroKitty, Thatch Cosplay, Chantel Marie – Cosplay, and many more.
Photo gallery tips: Once the page loads the images, you will see the Forward and Back navigation arrows above the image, in case you want to scroll faster than the preset. And to see the entire gallery as thumbnails, click on the gray four-box square next to the navigation arrows.
If you are pictured in any of our galleries, feel free to download the images and use them non-commercially on social media, with appropriate credit.