Saturday DragonCon 2014 Cosplay Gallery, Part 2 – FirstPerson Shooter
The Saturday craziness continues from DragonCon 2014, with the second cosplay gallery from me, FirstPerson Shooter. I am not sure...
The Saturday craziness continues from DragonCon 2014, with the second cosplay gallery from me, FirstPerson Shooter. I am not sure...
Saturday was the craziest day at DragonCon 2014 and I have nearly 200 images from that day alone. So here is Part...
I didn't do as good a job of dividing Friday's pics up as evenly as I thought, so here is...
Sunday saw no slowdown in the waves of people swarming over the host hotels at DragonCon. Many of the large...
That headline isn't an inflammatory statement – OK, not just an inflammatory statement. It is the considered opinion of many...
By Saturday evening at DragonCon, the atrium level of the central hotel, the Marriott, was quite literally wall to wall people...
The sheer amount of crazy good cosplayers walking around the four hotels of DragonCon on Friday makes it necessary to divide...
OK, it is weird talking about myself in the third person, but what can you do? Here is the gallery...
Friday at DragonCon 2014 was even more crowded than anticipated, easily outdoing the number of people squeezed into the atrium...
While DragonCon didn't officially start until 12:01 a.m. Friday, on Thursday the three main host hotels were already packed with attendees, many of...