Video Game Review: REMEMBER ME
Remember Me is an action adventure, beat'em up video game developed by Dontnod Entertainment and published by Capcom. It was...
Remember Me is an action adventure, beat'em up video game developed by Dontnod Entertainment and published by Capcom. It was...
Check out these awesome photos by John Riley of Red Zebra Photography of a steampunk version of the Flame Princess,...
In an attempt to get people prep for the upcoming Justice League movie and familiarize the public with Justice League...
By now you’ve probably heard about AnimeNext’s infamous Cosplayer Pillow incident. If not, then the long and short of the...
At AnimeNext 2013, we had an awesome opportunity to shoot a couple of pictures with this awesome Cloud from Final...
The Chosen One must be retrieved from Earth. He will bring down the wall and restore the kingdom to glory....
On March 6, 2013, the DmC DLC Vergil's Downfall was released on the Playstation Network, and Xbox Marketplace. The DLC...
At AnimeBoston 2013, FirstPerson Shooter Photography met up with cosplayer Gina B., and together created this awesome photo collection. The cosplay is of the...
At AnimeNext 2013, John Riley of Red Zebra Photography had the opportunity to photograph cosplayer Maki Rolle in her awesome...
When adapting a book into a film or a television series, a certain degree of artistic license must be taken....