The Beautiful League of Legends Cosplays of Danielle Beaulieu

In the last few months, I have met so many hardcore fans of League of Legends where they express their love for their game and the characters through costume creation. One such person is cosplayer Danielle Beaulieu, who created a wonderful Wildfire Zyra cosplay at Anime Boston 2013, and at ConnectiCut 2013 created her interpretation of Galio. Both times we were able to do a video interview with her of how she created the costumes and the love she has for League of Legends. And if you enjoyed the videos, below them check out some images of her Galio, Zyra, and Taric cosplays (from Otakon 2013). Click here to see her Facebook page!
Danielle as League of Legends’ GALIO at ConnectiCon 2013
Danielle as WILDFIRE ZYRA (with a MAOKAI cosplayer) at Anime Boston 2013