The Most Amazing Momocon 2013 Cosplay Gallery!

Momocon is an anime convention that was once hosted by The Georgia Institute of Technology in Atlanta, GA. The convention is run by the Georgia Tech club Anime O-Tekku since its inception in 2005. From 2005 to 2011 there was no entry fee to MomoCon. From its beginning through 2011, it was held on the campus of the Georgia Institute of Technology; 2012 was the first year that an admission fee is required which was due to rising costs and a new location. This was their ninth year as a con and showing signs of growth from the previous years. MomoCon 2013 had over 12,200 people in total! That represents nearly a 33% growth from 2012. It was a amazing year for MomoCon. They announced the theme for MomoCon 2014 will be a Carnival! If you are located in the southeast next year, just happened to be visiting, or looking to pick up another fun con to attend in the Spring, I suggest you check out Momocon and hopefully I can catch you there.