The Nerdist Way: Interview with Chris Hardwick

Nerds are wired differently than average people. They have a tendency to be more obsessive about their passions (especially not sports) and possess the ability to focus for long periods of time (especially when obsessing about those passions.)
Comedian Chris Hardwick knows the lows and highs of the beautiful nerd mind. He veered from a path of self destruction, alcoholism, and social awkwardness. He’s contributed to the rise of geek culture and forged a new trail with his company Nerdist industries, including the podcast The Nerdist, television shows on BBC America and AMC, and a premium Youtube channel, coming soon.
He spoke with me shortly after his book The Nerdist Way, a biographical, comedic guide to using nerd mind powers to level up in life, hit the shelves.
Why should everyone have a friend like Mike Phirman? Can I steal yours?
Number one: Stay the frak* away from Phirman, he’s mine. Number two: you really realize who your friends are when you try to clean up your life. That’s what he did. He doesn’t have the addiction gene, but it was still very sweet of him to offer to quit drinking with me as a way of encouraging me.
A real friend will support whatever you think is best for your life. Unless this is, you know, “I think it is better if I go shoot homeless people in the face,” and your friend goes “I support that,” then you’re both horrible people.
The connection between you and Wil Wheaton is amazing—equal parts sweet, funny, and earnest. Did he have a role in your recovery?
No. This was sort of period when Wil and I drifted apart. A lot of that was my fault. I was just such a crazy partier drinker guy. And Wil got married and his wife had two sons so he was a dad, and he moved 40 minutes outside of town.
Then we started hanging out again, and it’s not just that we’ve been friends for so long, but we’re proud of each other and respect that we’ve pursued things we care about and those things are kind of going well now.

Who is a guest that you would love to have on the Nerdist podcast, but haven’t yet?
Albert Brooks. Bill Murray. Geez…Tina Fey. I have list, and when I think of it I make a note.
I’m kind of a dork about wondering “why do some people succeed where other people don’t?” Everyone’s path is a little different. When they come on the show we deconstruct their process. And I can’t think of anything more nerdy than deconstructing a process.
My friend Kara on Facebook says you’re awesome.
Oh! Can I “like” that comment?
You a meta way… My other friend Christine wants to know whether you think “Walking Dead” season two lived up to the promise of season one? (Spoiler-free answer ahead.)
Absolutely. I thought the midseason finale was amazing. I have access to the episodes early through “Talking Dead” but I watch them week to week. I didn’t see that coming at all! At all. I was alone, but I said aloud to myself: “Holy frak!”
Let’s pretend that the cybermen from Doctor Who invade the world of Big Bang Theory. Who survives?
(Laughs) Sheldon is almost a cyberman. They would be like “This one has been upgraded already!” Really, unless you’re the doctor, you just don’t survive the cybermen. They’re big and computer brained and indestructible! What are you going to do?
OK, now a quick game of either/or… Star Wars or Star Trek?
God dammit. Listen, Star Wars has had more of an impact on me because I saw it as a little kid and it frakkin’ changed my life. I certainly love Star Trek, but Star Wars is deeply imbedded in me.
Dawn of the Dead or Day of the Dead?
I like Dawn of the Dead.
Dawn of the Dead or Shaun of the Dead?
Ah, frak! I’m a comic. I have to go with Shaun of the Dead. I mean, it is not only an amazing movie and hilarious and satirizing the genre. There’s also some good, heartfelt moments. They made it a great film.
Which Doctor Who companion: Rose Tyler or Amy Pond?
Ah! Why would you do that to me? God dammit!
All right. I’ll give you an easy one. On your own podcast—Team Matt or Team Jonah?
(Laughs) Team Matt or Team Jonah?! In the Sophie’s Choice of Team Matt or Team Jonah I’d have to let them both die because that’s fair and equal.
Can you give me an “Enjoy your burrito”?
Enjoy your burrito!
*In this interview, curse words were altered to Battlestar Galactica equivalents.
Shawn Proctor is a Philly-area geek who spends his free time reading old issues of X-Men and Manhunter and working on his comics-inspired novel, “The Replacement Heroes.” His Twitter is @shawnproctor and Facebook is
Hardwick’s nerd rating went through the roof for a moment, I thought he was using “frak” as his everyday vernacular word for cussing.
I am sad to see he didn’t take a hard stance on the Rose v Amy question. Rose without question.