The Top 5 Most Anticipated Indie Games of 2016!

Welcome (back) to Indie Spotlight!
First off, a belated Happy New Year to all! Some may have noticed that the past few months have had a slight lack of indie reviews (okay, more like all-out non-existence). I’m happy to say that we’re getting right back to it — and what better way than to go over my most anticipated indie titles of 2016!
#5 – Mighty No. 9
The anxiously awaited spiritual successor to Mega Man made my list last year as well. After some production setbacks and delays, comcept is scheduled to release on February 9th. You take control of Beck in a 2.5D environment, traversing dangerous maps and battling other deadly robots programmed to stop you! The many Kickstarter stretch goals include bonus stages and bosses, support characters and even some kind of racing! Look for it on pretty much any platform!
#4 – No Man’s Sky
Also on last year’s list, my eyes are still set on this upcoming massive-scale exploration game. The entire galaxy is said to be procedurally generated, meaning players should never run out of planets to visit and secrets to unveil. The plethora of gameplay footage suggests seamless loading and immense variety in landscapes and atmospheres. I can’t get enough sci-fi games! Coming out for PC and PS4.
#3 – Cosmic Star Heroine
Without question, my fondest gaming memories come from the SNES era, with JRPGs like Chrono Trigger and Secret of Mana at the top of the list (man, I have a lot of lists). Needless to say, this turn-based RPG whose style looks like it came straight out of Squaresoft is one I’ve been keeping a close eye on.
You play as Alyssa L’Salle, a highly skilled government agent who has uncovered a great conspiracy and is betrayed by her own people for it. The game advertises a strong sci-fi narrative with “Brisk pacing that respects your time!” Though long closed off, their Kickstarter page has plenty of information to get you amped up! Coming to PC and PS4.
#2 – Pit People
I have been fanboy of The Behemoth ever since their Newgrounds days, when Alien Hominid was but a Flash game. Today, their fourth title (brilliantly nicknamed “Game 4” until recently) is in the works. Although without a projected release date, I’m too excited not to include it now.
Pit People is a turn-based RPG adventure, utilizing hex combat much like the legendary Might & Magic series, but with the 2D animation and nonsensical, ingenious humor that Castle Crashers and Battleblock Theater have provided. The Behemoth has provided me endless entertainment, and I can’t wait for more. Coming to Steam and Xbox One.
#1 – Cuphead
These days, the video game market is so saturated with titles it can be a challenge finding or creating something that stands out. Cuphead is without a doubt the most unique project I have seen in years.
It’s a classic run-and-gun action game (think Contra or Metal Slug). But the guys at Studio MDHR took “classic” to the extreme. It looks like a cartoon from the 1920’s!!! The animation style, score and sound effects scream vintage villainy and I absolutely love it. I don’t think I’ll be able to put my controller down once this bad boy hits PC and Xbox One.
I also want to give honorable mentions to Heart Forth, Alicia, Timespinner, and Vidar, a trio of pixel-art titles that I have backed on Kickstarter! What upcoming games are you looking forward to? There will surely be more than enough choices to keep us all busy for a very long time!