Three Tips On How DC Can Improve Its Planned Movies

In December of 2007 I went to the movies with my roommate to see I Am Legend. I still remember the opening scene and the movie poster of the Superman logo in the Batman symbol.
I lost my mind.
I was like “we are really going to be getting a Superman Vs. Batman movie?! Awesome!” Time passed and we had gotten a few Batman movies (which were very good) and a Green Lantern movie (which I still have nightmares about). So in 2015 we heard the hype about Batman V Superman: Dawn of Justice and I was excited to see it.
Until they announced Ben Affleck as Batman.
My first thought was “the guy that ruined DareDevil?” But I thought to myself I need to give the movie a chance and actually go see it.
God I wish I didn’t. Why? There was too much exposition in the story and it just dragged on and on … and on. And to my surprise? Ben Affleck was actually GOOD as Bruce Wayne but the movie was just trying to cram more into it and … it didn’t work.
The thing is, why are the Marvel movies doing so well while the DC movies are just … not.
Well let’s take a look at a recent movie such as Avengers 2: Age of Ultron. There is exposition in the movie yes, but there is also action and enough going on so you don’t feel bored. You also know the characters so you don’t need to find out their origins or backstory. Yes, some of the Marvel movies might be “short on plot,” but if they are, why are they kicking DC’s butt?
I honestly don’t have an idea on this but I do know I am VERY excited for Suicide Squad.
Yes I am going to see Suicide Squad because I love most of the characters that are going to be in the movie. You have a team with Katana, Deadshot, Harley Quinn and Killer Croc? Sign me up and take my money!
But people are complaining again saying that Jared Leto is not going to be a good fit for the Joker. That is a wait-and-see deal for me as I think he will do just fine. Heck look at the backlash Affleck got for Batman and he did a GREAT job and he is in this movie!
So what can DC do to turn this around? In my opinion, do three things:
1) PLEASE stop trying to retell the origins and rewrite it. We got it. We know where Superman came from. We know what happened to Batman’s parents. We DON’T need a boring 30 minutes explaining it to us. However, Batman Begins did it right they showed Bruce Wayne in prison and then him with the League of Shadows. That made the origin ENJOYABLE.
2) Don’t overcomplicate the plot. Look at the plots of some of the comic book movies or heck some of the comics themselves. Most of them are straight and to the point and they keep it simple to keep the people entertained. If you go off on too many tangents your audience will get bored and simply bash the movie
3) Do go with some unknown actors! You want to make a Green Arrow movie? Use the actor in the TV show! Flash? Same thing! Green Lantern? Use a no-name actor! You will find that they are going to be even more passionate about the role than a highly paid actor.
So in closing, are DC movies getting better? I am not sure, as I have said the Christopher Nolan Batman series was excellent as I loved all three of them and Christian Bale made a great Dark Knight. The Man of Steel movie had some good parts but was overall not a bad flick. I just hope the execs look at the feedback from this latest DC movie and adjust their movies, because right now this is not working.