Vanity Fox’s Connor Kenway Set from NYCC 2015!

The second featured photo set from this year’s New York Comic Con is of Vanity Fox, covered in furs and teeth as Connor Kenway from the game Assassin’s Creed III — although given the outfit the character might better be called by his Native American name of Ratonhnhaké:ton.
To give you a sense of how much dumb luck plays into my hall shots at places like NYCC, I saw her out of the corner of my eye while I was taking the shots in the second Saturday gallery of Detty Cosplay as a very large Sentinel. She waited until I finished shooting and chatting with Detty, and I just turned around and had her stand in front of a pillar directly across from the one Detty was at. That gave me great ambient light from the wall of glass next to her, and I added fill flash bouncing off the low ceiling. Two completely different looks just 10 feet from each other.
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