Wicked Comic Con 2023 Saturday Gallery By FirstPerson Shooter, Part 1

The second annual Wicked Comic Con was, in a phrase, wicked good. One thing not good, wicked or otherwise, is the quality of the photos in the galleries from this event. They are all just not quite sharp, wicked or otherwise. I was going to explain why (and how I figured out how to stop it from happening again) in this piece, but I don’t want the first article to be about something negative when I should be writing about what a good convention it was.
So, I will lay that out in the next article with the second of the three Saturday galleries. Suffice to say, it wasn’t my health as I had thought for a long time. It was Agatha my Sigma lens all along. Still, my apologies for not getting the usual quality of images you cosplayers have come to expect.
In its first year, Wicked Comic Con was held in the basement of the south side of the Westin Waterfront in South Boston. If you attend Arisia, you will know it as the hallway that holds registration. That first WCC used all of the space on that floor of the Westin — the huge ballroom, panel rooms, and the entire hallway. While I expected it to be well attended, I don’t think even the founders — who also founded Boston Comic Con before selling it to Fan Expo — anticipated how many people showed up for the one-day event. Even still, I was surprised that in just its second year, WCC was moving to the Hynes Convention Center.
This year, it didn’t use up all of the space at the Hynes as did Anime Boston, just two weekends prior. WCC was mainly held in Exhibit Hall A, the hallway that runs alongside Hall A which is where AB puts its Community Row, and the cafe across the large pass-through hallway from the Boylston Street entrance to the Prudential Mall entrance. Just using Hall A, however, gave the con much more space for comic book vendors, comic creators and other exhibitors than in its first year.
The hallway alongside Hall A was labeled the CosWay, and held the cosplay guests such as Cowbutt Crunchies, Stars of Cassiopeia, Khepera Cosplay, GiveWave Studios, Rachel Maksy, Allison Chase Cosplay, Redfield design, Silhouette Cosplay, and Ani-Mia. In addition, charity community organizations, such as the 501st Legion of New England, Zombie Leader and the Ghostbusters of MA were in the CosWay, along with sponsor tables and some vendors.
This carving out of cosplayers, crafters and community organizations was smart and well executed. It was also the perfect spot for our table, and for the space for our friends Red Raven Studios — our neighbor for the two days of the convention. In fact, everything about Wicked Comic Con seemed pretty well executed. I’ve heard that they had some hitches, but nothing that I saw caused even a raised voice, or a running staffer. So, it couldn’t have been anything beyond the usual challenges faced by a con.
Everyone involved in Wicked Comic Con should be praised for putting on such a fun event. Sure, most of them are Boston Comic Con veterans, but that isn’t a guarantee that things would run as smoothly as they did. Kudos to all.
Among the cosplayers in this first of three Saturday galleries are Jessica Leigh, magpieeee__, bostonreinhardt, craftycontraptions, bombeii, ashesdaphoenix, Kurious Costumes, jfh_cosplay, butchyvonhammer, Colonial Armory, Inevitable Betrayal Cosplay, silverfalconcosplay, apocalypse.unicorn, lorendacosplayer, lostsanitycosplays, lil_kay.14, milky.frog, anyajupiter, and many more.
We use Smugmug to present cosplay photo galleries and post all photos there, with a link to each gallery in its own gallery article. This allows us to give you higher resolution images to download — still for free.
To view the entire gallery, just click on the image below. If you are pictured in any of our galleries, feel free to download the images and use them non-commercially on social media, with appropriate credit.
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