Wicked Comic Con 2024 Saturday Gallery Part 3

One of the benefits of where our studio was located at Wicked Comic Con 2024 came from being kitty corner across the hallway from where the cosplay contest signup and judging was happening on Saturday. That meant that all sorts of cosplayers were hanging out near us waiting to sign up or get judged, and we took full advantage of that to get both photos and video. At least, that was the case until mid-afternoon. Once the judging and signup ended, the crowds of cosplayers thinned out. And by later in the afternoon, when the cosplay contest was about to get underway, the number of cosplayers dwindled to a trickle.
There was an upside to that slowdown, however. Cosplay guests GiveWave Studios and willowcreativ, both directly across the hall from the studio, had the chance to come over for photos, as did contest judge sycosplay. Also of note in this gallery is the random appearance of two sets of two cosplayers as the same character showing up within minutes of each other — first, a pair of Raven cosplayers and then a pair of Jubilee cosplayers. It isn’t rare for two cosplayers of the same character to come by the studio within a short time of each other, but I don’t recall having two sets, like in this gallery.
I’d also like to point out that the cape flip in the featured image above might be the best one I’ve ever captured. I haven’t featured Matches Malone as the featured shot in a gallery in quite a while, but he absolutely nailed that flip, and I had to show off his incredible results.
Included in this final Saturday gallery of cosplayers are cosplaydadcosplay, lorendacosplayer, guardianfrosty, mikeyguitar327, miss_scary_carrie, grahamgallows, lillbitm80, sideeyebrigade, Matches Malone, lazcosplays, willowcreativ, kairosmalificus, KronolockCosplay, savage83, medusarose, Zombie Leader, mlj999, GiveWave Studios, sycosplay, cuzako, cubseidl, clillithcosplay, karestatcosplay, and many more.
We now use Smugmug to present cosplay photo galleries and will post all photos there, with a link to each gallery in its own gallery article. This will allow us to give you higher resolution images to download — still for free.
To view the entire gallery, just click on the image below. If you are pictured in any of our galleries, feel free to download the images and use them non-commercially on social media, with appropriate credit.
If you like our work and want to show your appreciation, feel free to tip us at Ko-fi or become a patron on Patreon.
Also, High-res images for sale is back!
If you are pictured in any of our galleries and want the high-resolution (3200 pixels at its widest by 300dpi) download for yourself, we can make it available via a private Smugmug link, for $10 per image. Just send an email to editor AT nerdcaliber.com. Currently limited to only photos taken by FirstPerson Shooter (aka Rodney Brown).