As is the case with almost any two-day weekend convention the crowds on Sunday at Wicked Comic Con 2024 were smaller than the crowds on Saturday. However, it seemed like the drop-off in numbers was smaller last weekend than with many other cons. And, importantly for us, the ratio of cosplayers within the overall number of attendees seemed to be almost as high as on Saturday. That is uncommon — usually Sunday is the “casual clothes and shopping” day for many cosplayers.

I also heard from some of the artists I checked in on Sunday, and vendors waiting for elevators, that Sunday seemed to be a better sales day for them than is typical. It is possible that one reason for all of these slight differences was the fact that the very popular Blue Man Group were guests at the convention only on Sunday. They were across the hall from our studio space, right next to Ivy Doomkitty. Having two of the biggest draws of those guests not in the comics industry near us didn’t hurt.

As I mentioned in a previous post, andywarpop came back to help out at the table on Sunday, even though his work as an interviewer was only scheduled for Saturday. That was a big help, and because Sunday was slower than Saturday, we had a bunch of chances to chat, with each other and with many of the cosplayers in this gallery. Music, theater, horror movies, cartoons — all kinds of topics were delved into. For example, is Takashi Miike’s Ichi the Killer a horror movie? It certainly is horrifying.

Cosplayers in this first of two Sunday galleries include daniel.donnelly.33, Carley Winn Cosplay, millie_halprin, rennova_mocs, kargianaa, _.mmoon._, bladedtitan, savyland_cosplay, ghostly.donut, mrsgluskin, makermage, christians_comics87, bostonreinhardt, cardboardgremlin, freq501, dark_eyes_cosplay, sorceress_triss, the__devil__you__know, lostsanitycosplays, Colonial Armory, and many more.

We now use Smugmug to present cosplay photo galleries and will post all photos there, with a link to each gallery in its own gallery article. This will allow us to give you higher resolution images to download — still for free.

To view the entire gallery, just click on the image below. If you are pictured in any of our galleries, feel free to download the images and use them non-commercially on social media, with appropriate credit.

If you like our work and want to show your appreciation, feel free to tip us at Ko-fi or become a patron on Patreon.

Also, High-res images for sale is back!

If you are pictured in any of our galleries and want the high-resolution (3200 pixels at its widest by 300dpi) download for yourself, we can make it available via a private Smugmug link, for $10 per image. Just send an email to editor AT Currently limited to only photos taken by FirstPerson Shooter (aka Rodney Brown).

Click on the image above to see the full gallery.

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