Wild Villain Theory For WandaVision, Huge Spoilers For Episode 5

Now that Episode 5 is in the books for the first MCU series on Disney+, WandaVision, I did my usual scouring of YouTube for breakdowns, Easter Egg catches and crazy speculation about the meaning of the episode in general but the big surprise reveal at the end in particular. After watching a handful of them, I was suddenly struck by a theory about who might be the big villain pulling Wanda’s strings (if that is what is happening) so wildly crazy Marjorie Taylor Greene would love it.
To lay out my theory I will have to spoil Ep. 5 and likely previous episodes of WandaVision, so please do not read any further if you don’t want to read those spoilers. Also, if I am right, that could be a kind of spoiler as well, ruining your shock and surprise, so another reason to be cautious. After the break, spoilers ahead.
First, let’s talk about Wanda’s inconsistent control over Westview. At times she seems to be oblivious to what is going on around her when the fake reality starts to break down. When Agnes tries to retake her lines when she offers to babysit the twins, Wanda seems to have no idea what is going on. Yet when she takes out the drone and drags it out of the hexagon barrier to throw it at SWORD, she is fully aware of what Westview is, she is wearing her outfit from the past two Avengers movies and her Sokovian accent has returned.
I think Wanda thinks she is always in control of the fake reality, so when Agnes asked her to do something that she didn’t put in Agnes’ head, but was still playing along as though it was a real sitcom, it confused Wanda greatly. It seems Wanda is aware she can alter reality, but believes she can’t create it. So when the twins are “born” they are not something that already existed that Wanda simply altered, like all the residents of Westview or Monica Rambeau into Geraldine and her uniform into Kevlar-infused flower-print bell bottoms. That is why Wanda can’t control the twins — they are either not something that already existed and could be altered, or they don’t actually exist at all.
So let’s get to that big reveal. When Wanda opened the door at the very end we saw Pietro back from the dead, but played by Evan Peters (from the Fox X-Men franchise) and not Aaron Taylor-Johnson (Pietro in Avengers: Age of Ultron). Assuming this isn’t just some sort of cool meta trick on the audience by the show’s creators, there are only two explanations: Wanda resurrected Pietro or Wanda altered someone to be like Pietro. But there is a third, one which ties into what we know of Wanda’s future in the MCU.
What if she couldn’t bring anyone back from the dead, as she essentially told Billy and Tommy, but under their pressure she subconsciously brought Pietro from the actual multiversal reality that we know as the Fox X-Men movies into the MCU reality? If that is the case, it almost confirms the speculation that the multiverse that will be core to Phase 4 of the MCU will be how the X-Men come into the Disney-Marvel family.
Now on to the wild speculation. Most people assume the villain making Wanda do things from behind the curtain is the one responsible for the creation of her kids in the comics, Mephisto. And while that certainly could be true, consider this — what if it is the actual Fox version of Magneto?
Some evidence — back in late January, Paul Bettany spoke to the Lights Camera Barstool podcast about WandaVision and teased the appearance later in the series of a very surprising actor.
“So many things get leaked, but there’s this thing that has been completely under wraps that happens and I work with this actor that I’ve always wanted to work with and we have fireworks together, the scenes are great and I think people are going to be really excited. I’ve always wanted to work with this guy and the scenes are pretty intense.”
Unless I missed something, a look at their mutual IMDb profiles shows that Bettany and Michael Fassbender have never worked together. Bettany goes on to say that viewers are:
“… going to be massively surprised by the end of the show. I really think people are going to be like, ‘oh my god!’ and they’re going to look at the MCU in a whole new light and also have a much deeper understanding in what direction it’s moving.”
Could the “whole new light” of the MCU be the X-Men? Could the actor Bettany has always wanted to work with be Fassbender?
So here’s my theory. Somehow, Magneto of the Fox X-Men cinematic universe becomes aware of a world in which mutants never existed, at a time when something threatens the very existence of mutants in his world (the early rise of Sentinels that will lead to the Days of Future Past timeline, for example). With the help of a powerful telepath like Emma Frost (for example) he connects to Wanda Maximoff in the MCU and tries to use her Infinity Stones-driven powers to do two things — create mutants in this new mutant-less world and bring his family and core team over to it from their world.
The creation of mutants leads to Tommy and Billy, and the multiverse-hopping brought over Pietro, and, eventually will bring over Magneto and others.
I realize there are as many holes as there were sling ring portals in Endgame in this theory. But I can’t shake just how well it fits what we know so far, and how incredible it would be. And, as Bettany implies, how massive an impact it would have on the future of the MCU.
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