Wizard World Philly 2017 Gallery 1 by FirstPerson Shooter

In a very last-minute decision, Emmanuel and I decided to make a quick trip to the City of Brotherly Love to attend Wizard World Philadelphia. I hadn’t been to Philly in 40 years, and he hadn’t been to that convention in 17 years. So it seemed like a good time to head south and meet up with our Mid-Atlantic photography mainstay, Adam Etheridge.
Despite what seemed like a very small crowd on Friday afternoon, in the roughly three hours we spent in the Philadelphia Convention Center I still got enough photos for a gallery of nearly one hundred images. Among the cosplayers in the Friday set are The Smoke, Captain Kyle, Drifting by Stars, Maeden Cosplay, Jennifer Rose, Soni Aralynn, Kevin D Cosplay and other members of the Philadelphia Avengers, Roystroyer, BlackDagger Cosplay, Agent Barton Cosplay, Miss Arkham Cosplay, and many more.
Photo gallery tips: Once the page loads the images, you will see the Forward and Back navigation arrows above the image, in case you want to scroll faster than the preset. And to see the entire gallery as thumbnails, click on the gray four-box square next to the navigation arrows.
High-res images for sale!
If you are pictured in any of our galleries and want the high resolution download for yourself, we can make it available via a private, password-protected link, for $8 per image. Just send an email to editor AT nerdcaliber.com.
We are also now selling high resolution images of some of the photos taken of cosplayers that have agreed to let us do so. To see the 50 or so images we have available to download for a mere $8 each, go to our Anime Boston 2016 sales gallery and our brand new Spring Super Megafest 2016 sales gallery.