Zombie Leader Feature Set from Bulldog Enterprises Anniversary Show

With few cosplaying attendees to take pictures of on Saturday at the Bulldog Enterprises Cards, Comics and Collectibles Anniversary show held a few weeks ago, I ended up taking lots of photos of Zombie Leader interacting with cosplay guests. I decided to split many of those out of yesterday’s gallery and give Todd his own Feature Set.
You can find Zombie Leader at most New England conventions, at his table that he uses to raise money for The Leukemia & Lymphoma Society. Todd sells various signed and rare items he has collected over the years, as well as his own artwork, with proceeds going to the blood cancer charity.
Posing with Zombie Leader in his Feature Set are Rochelle from Simply Enchanted, Cares O-Lot Cosplay, BelleChere, Western Ma Green Arrow, Dark Wing Dove Cosplay and Rekr Grim.
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